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Take responsibility with reducing energy and save money

Have you or any member of the board ever asked any of these questions?

Are we legal?

Do we use too much energy?

Are we paying too much for energy?

If you have asked one or more of these questions; then it’s time to take action. You might be wondering where or how to start. I will tell you how.

Contact RUMM Energy Management Services today for a FREE ENERGY ASSESSMENT.

Provide RUMM Energy Management UK  with your annual energy cost and consumption data will give them enough information to estimate:

  1. How much energy you should be able to save yourself
  2. The range of savings you would achieve working with RUMM

If the information that they provide for you is sufficiently interesting then they can visit your organisation to discuss how the RUMM  Energy Management Software services would best suit your needs. If you (and RUMM) are convinced that energy saving opportunity exists then the next stage of engagement is the CAP:

CAP – a Comprehensive site Audit and Plan that will provide the following:

  1. A specification of the most appropriate site metering infrastructure that incorporates existing meters and collection technology; and is capable of providing sufficient information to generate savings, legal compliance and utility bill validation.
  2. A prioritised list of potential energy saving projects with typical ROI (Cap Ex costs and associated savings).
  3. Data analysis of your existing ½ hourly utility supply data using RUMM software demonstrating how monitoring analysis can highlight saving opportunity at your site.
  4. An indication of what you could save if you undertook to do the energy management yourself.
  5. A business case outlining your savings over 5 years in partnership with RUMM including a 2 year cash flow analysis and capital spend requirement.
  6. A financial model to fund a 5 year programme if the business requires external funding.

Don’t delay call RUMM today the leaders in Energy Management Companies  throughout the UK and Wales



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