The latest news and reviews

February, 2016

Beginnings of Neuro-Linguistic Programming UK

What is “Neuro-Linguistic Programming”? NLP in London, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is the art and science of excellence, derived from studying how top people in different fields obtain their outstanding results. These communication skills can be learned by anyone to improve their effectiveness both personally and professionally. It is directly applicable to a diverse spectrum of […]

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IBS are the sole European distributors for the Fuitland Vacuum pump

IBS are market leaders in innovative Industrial Services equipment and solutions. They are offer world class services and products priding themselves in customer focus as well as offering customers a free Industrial Vacuum Loader health check, which ensures your vacuum loader, is always in good working order thus eliminating any unnecessary downtime with breakdowns or […]

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Release your mind , body and soul

Tantric Journey Tantric Workshop London   Tantra is a growing ancient culture and art in the Western world due to the rise in human disconnection. The world’s technology has grown sophisticated that there are various modes of communication and point of contact but unfortunately very little human connection due to isolation by choice. People are […]

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Learn more about The Pyramids of Giza

There is nothing more beautiful than architecture, some of which shapes the world we live in and formed our history. Many architecture buildings or pyramids tell us much about the people who went before us and the history in those times. For instance ancient Egyptian architecture is the architecture of Ancient Egypt , one of the most influential […]

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